Career Assessment Tools


Careers are built from the skills and talents that God has given you.   To help you assess those talents and/or skills you might find the following tools helpful.



The Self Directed Search

          John Holland’s Interest Inventory Online ($9.95)


The SDS was developed by Dr. John Holland, whose theory of careers is the basis for most of the career inventories used today. Holland's theory states that most people can be loosely categorized with respect to six types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.


Occupations and work environments can also be calassified by the same categories.  People who choose careers that match their own types are most likely to be both satisfied and successful.  Taking the Self-Directed Search will determine your 3-letter Holland code to help you find the careers that best match your interests and abilities. 

A list of occupations (and college majors) with codes identical and/or similar to your own will be available to you.



The Strong Interest Inventory


Strong Interest Inventory assessment has been validated by over 75 years of research. Since its first publication in 1927 by Stanford University and creator E. K. Strong, the assessment has been regularly expanded and modernized to help individuals plan for the many different steps along their career path, with one goal in mind: to match their interests with satisfying careers.  


The assessment results can assist you with identifying and clarifying your interests, values, as well as provide you with direction towards defining your career and academic choices. The Strong Interest Inventory assessment is based on the theory that individuals who are fulfilled and productive in their jobs usually work in occupations they find interesting.  It can serve as a useful indicator of various occupations in which one may be successful and most likely enjoy.  It is important to remember that the interest assessment is only one component of the

broader process of career development.  Junior year in high school is the earliest time when someone should consider completing the inventory assessment.

The Strong Interest Inventory can be found at:  (Cost $55)  (Cost $59)  (Cost $60)



The Career Key


  • Career Key Test – Personality Inventory ($7.95)
  • Career Options
  • Education Options
  • Decisions
  • Career Development



Other Career Websites to check out

  • Occupational Outlook Handbook On-line

  • Career Exploration Tools
  • Find Occupations
  • Skills Search

  • Monster Job Search
  • Steps to the right career & the right college

  • Vocational & military opportunities




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